Summer Night (July 12, 2002) This is yet another
Philedom2k's Pandemonium challenge, this time for the theme of "Summer". Everyone else was doing bright sunny collages, so I decided to do a 180 and do one about summer nights, definitely one of the better parts of summer when one grows up in a desert! I used many photos from my Big Box of Art, including the stars, moon, lantern, moths and water. The flower is however a picture I took myself of a moonflower I grew from seed on my balcony a few years back; the flower was about 5 inches across, and being a relative of the morning glory, lasted only 1 afternoon... there are also a few other shots of the vine and some other flowers and buds tucked in around the corners. The words are from a poem by Elizabeth Stoddard, which I found on I'm indebted to Linzee for explaining her starry technique a while back on Howto (under "colors")
Yay, I won my very first "first place"! Results included the following ego-stroking tidbit: "1. Vrya (who won hands down - 75% chose Vrya as their number 1 pick!)". I'm gonna have to try this romantic starry thing again...