Wallflower Brush Explosion - (April 25, 2002) I really wasn't planning on making a new piece when I started this. I was merely testing out some of Vered's fabulous new brushes (veredgf.fredfarm.com/vbrush) fully intending to close without saving. But the texture just got so cool so quick that I decided to see what would happen if I laid it over a photo I took a few weeks ago of my lovely wallflowers (which I had pretty much given up on. They were supposed to be perennials flowering from see the first year, but I germinated them in feb 2001, and they hadn't given the slightest sign of obliging me with a display. Until *this* spring, when they decided it was finally time to get with the program). A little masking here and there and a few quick tweaks later, and I thought the result was worth a minor post.