Precipice (May 14, 2002) The quote that inspired this one is a line Lila says to Wesley in A New World; after giving him a copy of Dante's Inferno, she points out: "the worst spot in hell is reserved for those who betray. So don't pretend you're too good to work for us". And so we have Wes teetering on the edge of a firey precipice, in grave danger of a fall if he lets Lila's words get to him... (and if you look real close, there's an apple in the bottom right corner ;-) somewhat ironically, I couldn't resist the temptation to throw that in!) All the screen caps are from that scene, except for the one Lila head shot that I snagged from the previous episode instead. Got lots of good flamey stock photos from, and used the "wind" filter in conjunction with some manual smudging and "color dodge" blending to get the flamey letters. ("flamey" is fun to say, just thought I'd point that out). Used a few grunge brushes a bit around the edges.