beware of the devil my child (July 19, 2002) - Okay, hopefully the whole "irony" thing came across here, seeing that by the end of the episode from which all these caps were taken (Benediction) I was quite convinced that dear old adoptive father Holtz was the devil incarnate; if anyone was weaving an evil spell over Connor and leading an innocent to badness, it was *so* him! So. Very. Evil. But I digress; the main lyrics are a gender-inverted version of Natalie Merchant's "Build a Levee", which I was inspired to use based on their similarity to the Holtz quote (advising Connor to be on his guard against his real father, Angel) that you see framing the central band. And yes, I'm aware that the song is using "the (literal) seduction of evil" what with the devil being male and the warning being given to a young girl, and I'm certainly not trying to imply anything of the kind between father & son! <begin rant> I just happen to think that not all fan art should be about sex/romance, that other kinds of relationships are worth exploring too. <end rant> From a technical stand point nothing too unusual here. I did use more of my BBoA stock photos set to overlay & screen: a blue fishing net (all over), some ripply blue-green pool water (all over), a cloud-streaked sky (right lower corner), and a black and white city scape (bottom half). The main font is "Californian" with a supporting role going to Kroeger (and much thanks to Here's Luck of Paper Cup for pointing me to where I downloaded the latter; definitely my favorite tiny font ever!)